
Lasting Gestures: Painting & Movement



Artist workshop

Supported by the Denver Art Museum

Image documentation by MG Bernard


Explore the relationship between painting and movement as acts of creative expression utilizing the artist’s body in this 4-week class. Using acrylic paint, watercolor, canvas, and paper, participants will discover how to combine motion and painting into a single artwork. Connections will be made to performance documentation works and action paintings in the Denver Art Museum collection through gallery visits and digital images.

Each class will begin with a discussion of one action painting (Elaine de Kooning’s Bullfight) or one performance documentation work (Ana Teresa Fernández’s Erasure 4) that inspires full body gestures like jumping, spinning, and dancing. The chosen artwork will serve as the gateway into a demonstration of techniques and activities, including motion painting prompts, painting while moving, and group reflections on the traces of movement seen in paintings.

Making the invisible visible

Artwork / Visual art

Sixty Five Roses

Sixty Five Roses



Ink & acrylic on paper

A series of sixty-five works

Video documentation by Brighton Linge

Image documentation by MG Bernard

Revised: 4/15/24; 5/12/24; 5/16/24


2015: Sixty-Five Roses Challenge, Mid-City Theater, New Orleans, LA  

2015: Sixty-Five Roses for Cystic Fibrosis, Amanda Sibley Gallery, New Orleans, LA



A two-month long project to raise awareness for cystic fibrosis. All funds earned from artwork sales were donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 

Making the invisible visible

Artwork / Visual art

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