
Pain Worth Sharing



Art writing published via Femme Salée

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Image documentation by Johanna Hedva, Bob Flanagan, & Sheree Rose

→ Questions & comments


An essay that features analyses of performances by Johanna Hedva & Bob Flanagan. By performing the subject—their (dis)abled, chronically ill bodies—both artists expose their interior selves, specifically their bodily experiences, to their exterior selves, namely their identities. Flanagan & Hedva simultaneously display their bodies as art objects to spectators & establish a physical & emotional exchange between the performer & viewers. 

Making the invisible visible

Artwork / Visual art

Sixty Five Roses

Sixty Five Roses



Ink & acrylic on paper

A series of sixty-five works

Video documentation by Brighton Linge

Image documentation by MG Bernard

Revised: 4/15/24; 5/12/24; 5/16/24


2015: Sixty-Five Roses Challenge, Mid-City Theater, New Orleans, LA  

2015: Sixty-Five Roses for Cystic Fibrosis, Amanda Sibley Gallery, New Orleans, LA



A two-month long project to raise awareness for cystic fibrosis. All funds earned from artwork sales were donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 

Making the invisible visible

Artwork / Visual art

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