
Stove Works, Burnaway Edition



Artist residency

Image documentation by MG Bernard


A two-week-long artist residency from January 10 – 23, 2022 at Stove Works in Chattanooga and experiment with the exhibition idea Systems of Care, Incorporated (Incorporated Systems of Care)

Systems of Care, Incorporated (Incorporated Systems of Care) is an ever-growing collection of technologies that have consistently come into contact with my body as forms of sustainable care for which I am forever dependent upon.

Making the invisible visible

Artwork / Visual art

Sixty Five Roses

Sixty Five Roses



Ink & acrylic on paper

A series of sixty-five works

Video documentation by Brighton Linge

Image documentation by MG Bernard

Revised: 4/15/24; 5/12/24; 5/16/24


2015: Sixty-Five Roses Challenge, Mid-City Theater, New Orleans, LA  

2015: Sixty-Five Roses for Cystic Fibrosis, Amanda Sibley Gallery, New Orleans, LA



A two-month long project to raise awareness for cystic fibrosis. All funds earned from artwork sales were donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 

Making the invisible visible

Artwork / Visual art

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