
Reliquary Altar



Glass, blood, mucus, metal, donated jewels & beads

Image documentation by Erynn McConnell & MG Bernard

→ Questions & comments


2019: Altar(er) Hex, The Temple, Denver, CO

2020: Louisiana Contemporary, Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans, LA

2021: On Edge, Edge Gallery, Lakewood, CO


These twelve reliquaries come together as a spiritual altar to my chronically ill body. A reliquary is a container for relics. Traditionally, relics are the alleged or actual physical remains of Catholic Saints, such as bones, pieces of clothing, or some object associated with the Saint. In this case, the relics are my physical blood & mucus: viscous liquids produced by chronic infection & inflammation, & expelled from my lungs on five different occasions. Using donated jewels from friends & family, & found glass bottles throughout New Orleans, I have painstakingly decorated each individual container to sanctify & canonize my body & the illness that renders her sick.

In opposition to those who believe illness causes a poor quality of life, these reliquaries venerate & celebrate my sick body to the pinnacle of saint-hood. Instead of conserving a “healthy” piece of myself, such as my hair, “diseased” remnants of my body are preserved, protected, & glorified for eternity.


Making the invisible visible

Artwork / Visual art

Sixty Five Roses

Sixty Five Roses



Ink & acrylic on paper

A series of sixty-five works

Video documentation by Brighton Linge

Image documentation by MG Bernard

Revised: 4/15/24; 5/12/24; 5/16/24


2015: Sixty-Five Roses Challenge, Mid-City Theater, New Orleans, LA  

2015: Sixty-Five Roses for Cystic Fibrosis, Amanda Sibley Gallery, New Orleans, LA



A two-month long project to raise awareness for cystic fibrosis. All funds earned from artwork sales were donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 

Making the invisible visible

Artwork / Visual art

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